Environmental Education
Student Groups
The Foundation for Wildlife Conservation (FWC) hosts both local and international student groups at Runaway Creek Nature Reserve (RCNR) to raise awareness in the rich flora and fauna of Belize, as well as to teach students about its unique history. Students have the opportunity to immerse in various habitats within RCNR. Students are introduced to field research techniques such as camera trapping, telemetry, data collecting and camping. Bird banding demonstrations, wildlife identification tours and treks to caves holding ancient Maya artifacts are also a part of this jungle learning experience.
Internship Opportunities
We offer unique internship opportunities for students interested in gaining experience in wildlife conservation, field research, and environmental education. Interns will shadow staff in our day-to-day operations and gain skills in a wide-range of activities related to research, general operation, and management of the nature reserve. Students may assist staff with duties such as checking and servicing wildlife trail cameras, trail maintenance, prescribed burning for fire management, touring guests and student groups, community outreach, creating signage for the reserve, monitoring of nesting jabiru storks, collecting behavioral data on spider monkeys, and mist-netting and banding of neotropical birds.
Local Outreach
Staff of FWC offer community education outreach programs for primary and secondary schools and other local communities throughout Central Belize. Our goal is to raise awareness of conservation efforts and appreciation of wildlife.
Currently we are running local outreach programs in the villages of La Democracia and Mahogany Heights – two communities nearby Runaway Creek Nature Reserve. Every two weeks we offer activities for children to learn about the local flora and fauna and why it is important to protect their habitat. This has been very successful with more and more participants at each session.
Group Visits
Small groups of potential donors or interested parties are toured through the rich opportunities in Belize, visiting Mayan ruins, eco lodges, the coast and visiting Runaway Creek Nature Reserve. These groups are always overwhelmed by their experiences.